Instructors Material for Statistical Process Control Training

​Program Pricing blueprint reading  or  SPC training 

1 Leader's Binder for the instructor for  Blueprint Reading or SPC contains a  Instructional manual  and an easy to follow  DVD  for $950.00
1 Participant Kits Blueprint Reading or SPC Participant Workbook and Pre-and Post Tests.  $38.00 each

Just one person to train  in blueprint  reading
Program Pricing 1 Individual Blueprint Trainer $145 each

Try our new On Line Blueprint Test on our Facebook page to the right or below  if your on your mobile device.

Copyright © No Sweat Training. All rights reserved.

 Blueprint Reading Training Tools

Teaches the Fundamentals of Mechanical Drawings
Easy, Understandable Steps
Practical, Hands-On Approach
Available in English and Spanish
​​Individual training guide now available

(440) 823-6759

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Online training is in today’s digital world.  But can it replace face-to-face training and hands-on practice facilitated by someone who is experienced in with the blueprint practices used in your company’s process?  We don’t think so. Since no two people learn exactly the same way, the No Sweat Blueprint Reading program delivers multi-sensory learning, incorporating seeing, hearing, reading, discussing, and practice.  The No Sweat Blueprint Reading program is designed to combine standard video-based instruction to deliver basic concepts with exercises that can be customized by the instructor.


No Sweat Training

​Blueprint Reading skills development training and instruction

​​Click here for  Printable 

Blueprint Reading Test  


​Click here for  Printable


  • Teaches Statistical Process Control
  • A Back to Basics Approach
  • Friendly and Non-Threatening
  • Learners will be able to apply concepts to the job, with confidence
  • Available in English and Spanish

MWA’s No Sweat Training Blueprint Reading, Statistical Process Control and Math Skills programs have been used for introductuctory  quality control training for over 25 years. These programs address several criteria for meeting ISO 9000 requirements. You can evaluate these No Sweat Training programs for your training needs free of charge. All we ask is that you return the materials after you have reviewed them.

Blueprint Reading and Statistical Process Control training programs include content delivered  in short bursts via DVD and are supported with print materials to guide instructors through program. Students receive content summary and interactive exercises in their individual Participant Workbooks. . The interactive format invites questions from the and builds confidence through exercises designed to simulate work situations. Additional customized exercises can be added. 

Thanks for checking out the pretest of our No Sweat Training Program.  We are happy to assist you in developing these basic skills in your employees  Call or email us to discuss how these training tools can help you need bring your employees up to speed with basic Blueprint Reading, Math or SPC skills.  

MWA  554 Daleview Drive Aurora Ohio 44202 phone 440-823-6759
